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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hi everyone :)
Its been soo long since i posted. haha. so i decided to post about two things : X Family, My Higher Mother Tongue

First up, X family....
This show was great lar, at first. Big thank you to Amanda for leng=ding me the disc for x Family so i no nid to stare at this not so big, screen . haha . it really get me addicted mann! i think i finshed it in like one week? or more. the story is about :

Beside our own time-space, there are eleven other dimensions that exist side by side with Mojie, a dimension where evil resides. Mojie has taken over ten of these dimensions in a series of showdowns between good and evil. However, the inter-dimensional war for the Gold dimension resulted in a tie in which both Mojie forces and KO fighters suffered great damages. Now, the story continues in the Iron dimension where the outcome has yet to be decided.

Xiu is charged with the mission to find KO fighters’ alternate selves in his corresponding Iron dimension in order to restore their powers and turn the tide against the dark forces. His search leads him to a boy named Xia Tian, Wang Da Dong's counterpart, who has the potential to become a savior of worlds, a Zhong Ji Tie Ke Ren.

Xia Tian’s incredible power is sealed away by a Feng Long Tie on his neck making him essentially a Ma Gua. Any attempt to use his power would awaken Gui Long, an evil entity in him. But, Gui Long is not the only obstacle Xia Tian has to overcome to become the Zhong Ji Tie Ke Ren. His family’s objections and his own lack of interest in becoming the savior of worlds is another. However, his attitude begins to change after he meets a girl from his childhood, Han. To save her life, he boldly goes into Mie to recover her soul. Then and there, he realizes he needs to become stronger so he could protect those he loves.

Although Xia Tian has the determination to become the Zhong Ji Tie Ke Ren, he must go through many more tests and trials that will break his bones and his heart before he could be the one.

Also, the actors make references by casually talking about how to act a certain way, use scriptwriting threats, and the production team. This is used for a subtle humour tactic in the story.(copy from wiki)

Next, is my hmt paper.
Today i do damn slow sia, 20 mins left still got 2 comprehensionOE- haven do. Panic. Thanks Amanda once again, she taught me a tatic to let me use for the exam. Maybe help abit lar, but i do very slow, also dunnoe why. Hope the marks is okay okay lar ... haha. JIAYOU!

haha gtg liao , study! JYJY and ADD OIL to all P6 students haha.

~ { 3:13 AM }
surrounded by colours of the rainbow;

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Hi there, im back :)

I promised my fren, nana to blog on the 1-15 and the 15-31 both of which at least two days. haha. so i guess i am doing what i am supposed to do? i decided to post today as i am afraid i would forget about it. just before i carry on to do my science revision i shall post a short one.

Today, someone confessed his liking of me to me. he sent me some codes and ask me to decode it. and his first message was:
Did xx tell you who i like? then he ask me to reply with a nod or a shake and so, xx did hinted to me who he like and his next one was:
So, do you like me?
Thwn i really dun know what to say lehhs.so i just say i dunnoe, let me think. then he was like heys, this type of thing is very direct yes or no lehs, what is your answer lar. then i was like dunnoe what to say... so luckily the teacher say go outside and line up, so just go lor.

But my main point is, i very scared that if he like that tell me he like me, i would try to like him... even if i dun like him now, cos i dunwan him to be upset. but like i dun like me lehs, then he like that tell me, i will pity him lehs.
Does this mean i like him alrdy? i dunnoe lehs.

Anyways, just thought of one thing to post:
apple, sry if the your blog say the person is me, cause i really think is me.(hope that is not, seriously) I dunnoe but i find that it is easyer to talk to someone you can open all your heart to, whereas sometimes, talk to your bestie will afraid off hurting them and some times afraid of them laughing at you. sry S.A.T.S if you feel sad about this comment but, i dun knoe maybe is just not right telling you all some things :(

~ { 4:41 AM }
surrounded by colours of the rainbow;

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hi there, just feel like posting again today... :)

Just wanna say that its all over, just praying to god and catching more areoplanes.
Catching more areoplanes becos i saw one show and they say that if i catch 100 areoplanes and do something, all my wishes will come true, its so sad that is 100 areoplanes and i onli have like 34 days to catch them. Not so bad lar cos i already catch 44 and left 56. haiz, not even one day one.

i am so high now! we just won 31-14. 31 of course we all lar. so happy so happy. (not trying to boast or what ps...) as i have D.S.A general ability test from 2-4 and then the softball match is from 3 - 5 the real playing, no warm up what so ever. so after the D.S.A trial i took a taxi there. i came out at 3.50, so i wanted to take a cab. the first one i went inside, then i told the uncle " i want to go machperson primary, then the uncle, sry, i cannot fecth you there, pls go out." i was like wth? then i hailed another one, then i told the uncle the same thingy lar. then the uncle say, sry i dun noe how to go, when i go machperson rd, you must direct me. then i was like huh? i dun even know how to go there. luckily there was a street directory then the uncle gave me then i point out where. heng ah. you know anot, before i go there hor, they all arh 7-9 we 7 they 9 you know, losing. then when i reach there, they still behind by 5 runs. but once i play, haha 31- 14. hahaha. i think is becos like every team member is there then got more confident and everyone also feel very united then can win. haha.

got to study for my oral tommorow byes~

~ { 3:14 AM }
surrounded by colours of the rainbow;

Monday, July 27, 2009

Hi there :)
im back again... After a long rest.
Tomorrow, the class is going to N.U.S for an excursion, more of like a learning journey, and i am so excited! i also dunno y but just like looking forward to go :).

Last week, shermaine and ts went over to my house to practise oral n surprisingly, we did. we were all laughing at each other's reading haha. but after that i think ts got kind of bored while i and shermaine watched chick vs dick and play 51 mole. we also tried to excite her by showing her chick vs dick but there was no response... :(

Also, i and my friend, nana have came up with a plan for me so lazy to post :):). She said that i should post 2 times per month , which i sort of like okay lor... two times a month okay. one between 1-15 and another one between 15-30.

Last two weeks, i went to the NDP preview show with ts and my whole bunch of family members and some of my mother's friends. being her usual style, ts was late again! this time even worst. we were suppose to meet each other at 2.30 at city hall and at 2.30 she msg me " The train dun wan to move, what you want me to do? i am stuck in pasir ris" i was so stressed up as all my family members were all so impatient. even my mum's friend was very angry that she said " Aiya ask her dun come lar.." but in the end we went together. many of you think that ndp very lame boring will meh? you r celebrating your country's birthday mind you. anyway, we went there and i think that this year's ndp is the best compared to all the ones held at the marina bay... it was the way how they link it all together. Sang nila utama? lion dancing...After that we all went to subway to eat. it was very wierd that i had a friend by my side, i never brought any friend to ndp before... TS so lucky rite? okay in the end, we all thanked her becos she caused us to get a good seat. ( dun be too happy ts , you were still late!)

Anyway my mum just told me that she got tickets for this coming saturday's preview, so i guess im going again. not that excited as i already went once but excited to get the bag. hehe.

Lastly, psle is coming soon like this week is prelim oral alrdy? some more MOE said that if h1h1 continues, this prelim oral marks will be our PSLE marks. ahhh. it all seems so....

gotta go and study le. bye!

~ { 3:02 AM }
surrounded by colours of the rainbow;

Monday, June 8, 2009

Hi there im back! :)

Today i was so super bad luck. Although i dont really belive in luck,but i dont know what other word i can use for all this situations.

1st case :

Went to Zhou Lao Shi for chinese workshop thingy at about 7.45 went out.
Reached the place like about 9.00.Expression - looking forward.Mood - happy.
When i got there, scenario - quiet, nobody and worst of all CLOSED. the tag hung on the door so freely.i took out my phone to call my friend which she said was on the way, i told her that it was closed and she still could jokingly say, " i go surely will open"nevermind. fifteen minutes passed.still no one scenario - same. i called my mum and she called the person. reason to case 1 : THE TRAINER WAS DOWN WITH FLU AND THEY DID NOT KNOW IF IT WAS H1N1 SO DID NOT COME. LESSON CANCELLED BUT THEY DID NOT TELL US UNTIL WE REACHED. (Felt like saying a bad word)

2nd case:

Reached home after that stupid trauma. relieved and headed for bed. reading the davinci code. at about 11.53. Recieved a message: Dear cheryl please wait for me after your training. As i had not brought out the forms when i went banking this morning i had came home to help you take the forms. i realised that i had lost my house key and i am asking the man to come and fixed it.Mdm goh. immediately i told her not to come , she could pass me the forms on wed.When received the message, sad,panicked and uncertain was i. How could she do this? resolution to case 2: TS DID NOT SEE MDM GOH, MDM GOH DID NOT WENT FOR TRAINING -DID NOT GET FORMS-.(Felt like saying a bad word again)

3rd and final case:

About 1.15 p.m. Teng shuan told we she would be late for the meeting at the library. fine. so i just waited and went out. after a struggle my brother and headed to the library on the way there there was road works going on. so i told my brother to go the traffic light ahead and not this one. he refused to and started crossing without me. i had no choice but to follow him. After that when i was walking on marble tiling, i felt my slippers very slippery, and i took a look at it and realise that and small stones were stuck onto the sole of the slippers. so angry i was, i went to the library borrowed my books and headed home, wanting to faster clean up the mess on my shoes. little did i know that whenever i walked, my slippers pressed against the ground, the little stones pushed deeper into my sole. when i reached home i tried to take off the stones but to no avail. i was sooo angry. my slippers cost me 30 bucks leh and i just bought it like march?! now it had lost its grip and its like almost useless le lorh. haiz... 30 bucks gone like that...( felt like saying the 4-letter word)

sgns off

~ { 4:13 AM }
surrounded by colours of the rainbow;

Sunday, May 24, 2009

haha while so im back! :)

its been so long since i blog mann. recently exams are over and everyone plays,but my teacher and principal does not agree.so suey lor...

Two persons in the scats group got caught while playing uno cards in science class.(inculing me) the teacher was so fierce! she scolded the other two, not me and my fren and left me and my fren escape,she told the prinicipal, my form teacher,almost the whole world!i so sort of hate her but i also cannot deny the fact that she teaches very well. while so, after a few days me and my fren have been thinking whether to be honest and say the truth, as i am the head prefect, i was scared, really scared that the principal will do anything. but after serious thoughts, i finally made the move, i told the truth! Although this burden in my heart was taken away, but i just could not help to shiver in worry for what is going to happen to me. will the principal do anything to me? this question has been hanging unanswered for like ever since the thing had happened. pls help...

signs off...

~ { 10:59 PM }
surrounded by colours of the rainbow;

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

hi there i decided to post about softball today :)

today, my posting style will be the same as last time...

Date:April 07 09
Notes: we had just finished mother tongue supplementary and teacher talked to me about something...

Date:April 07 09
Notes: reached the normal softball changing place and changed into shorts, refilled my water bottle and made my way to the field.

Date:April 07 09
Notes: ran slowly and did exercises... no sprinting today...

Date:April 07 09
Notes: did abit of long hitting (10 balls) with balls tossed directly above the glove...

Date:April 07 09
Notes: Finished batting long hit , sat around waiting for coach to give instructions...(BORED)

Date:April 07 09
Notes:Time to do bunting, we all each had our turns...

Date:April 07 09
Notes: finished doing bunting,sat around doing stretching and other stuff...

Date:April 07 09
Notes:went to help the some juniors to take the helmet for batting in like real game...

Date:April 07 09
Time:17:30 - 18:00
Notes:did batting :

First hit:
super lousy like hitting tress and worse bat only hit the top of the ball... not really far but save ( not - really happy )

Second Hit :
coach pitch very fast but managed to hit very far almost go beyond the fence but just hit it and came down. direction around second base middle field, if i stretch out my whole hand should be going to 3rd base better but the ball really quite fast but rulang's faster...

Fourth hit:
hit directly to 3rd base luckily never hit anyone but okay i like the ball . if it was someone from rulang i think sure quite dangerous as they should be able to catch very well.

all in all coach only said good... haiz...
is the seven new players really tnat important?
will they get to play?
when we first came in also not like that...?
why i always think that coach never look at us like....am i jealous?

signed off....

~ { 4:06 AM }
surrounded by colours of the rainbow;